What’s happening in Montreal in May

Photo by Nashua Volquez from Pexels

Friends for Mental Health Conference May 9

Mad Like Me: Bipolar Disorder from a patient’s Perspective — Interactive Presentation at 6:30pm in English. Merryl Hammond, Phd, author of Mad Like Me: Travels in Bipolar Country will address scenarios related to bipolar episodes. 303 Beaconsfield Blvd. To register: 514-636-6885

MainLine Theatre, May 9 – 19

Encore by Marc Prescott, directed by Liz Valdez. While still in the throes of young love, a couple pledge to return to the site of their first meeting ever year to re-enact word-for-word their faithful encounter. Info: tableaudhote.ca/encore

Contra Dance at Union Church May 10

Fri. at 7:30pm, 24 Maple, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. Live music with Contra musicians Bill Gossage, Mike Bleho & Glenn Roy with caller, Pierre Savaria. $8 students; $12 adults; Free -13. No experience necessary. Info: 514-457-1793

Salon des Vins Gourmet West Island May 10

Fundraiser for West Island Community Shares Friday 5 – 9, Hôtel Sheraton Aéroport de Montréal, 555 McMillan, Dorval, $25. Tickets and info: communityshares.ca

West End Horticultural Society Plant Sale

May 11 9:30 – 11am An Annual and Perennial Plant Sale will be held in front of Jean Coutu on
Somerled, corner Walkley, NDG.

May 15 7:30pm meeting at Monkland Community Center, 4410 Westhill Ave. Cindy Dale Elliot of Sustainable Dawson will speak on the Peace Garden at Dawson College. Guests $5. Info: 514-489-0484

Montreal W. United Church fundraiser May 16

At 1pm, a concert benefiting isolated seniors in the community, will take place at 88 Ballantyne Ave N. One-hour long, it features pianist Lauretta Altman and composer/lyricist Jonathan Monro, followed by tea and treats. Suggested donation: $20. 514-482-3210

Sundays at the Shaar May 19

Noon, Sun., Lionel Perez, official opposition leader for the City of Mtl. will speak on “Bill 21: Can you reconcile being an observant Jew in a Modern Quebec?” $5. Lunch follows. 425 Metcalfe Ave.Reservations: 514-937-9474 #139

Conference on anxiety May 23

AMCAL Family Services and Concordia, will hold a two-part professional conference on anxiety Thurs. 10 – 3 at Oscar Peterson Hall. Lynn Lyons, a clinical social worker and psychotherapist in Concord, New Hampshire, will speak on treatment. $150/professionals or $75/students. To register: amcal.ca/events/conference-on-anxiety

Lasalle D&D 50+ Centre May 24

Julian McIntosh, Montreal saxophonist, will perform at the LaSalle D&D 50+ Centre’s fundraiser at 7771 Bouvier in LaSalle Friday at 8pm. $15. This English-speaking organization helps prevent and combat senior isolation due to language barriers. Bring family and friends. Info: 438-882-7771

Creative Social Centre Art Classes

With Miriam Cohen, drawing and Painting classes are offered Wednesdays, 10-noon and 1-3pm. $10 members. $12 non-members. 514-488-0907

Concert Sur des rythmes latins June 7 & 9

June 7 at 7:30pm and June 9 at 3pm at Église de la Visitation, 1847 Gouin E, the Choeur Alarica present a summer concert on a Latin-American theme, accompanied by piano and South American instruments directed by Aldéo Jean. Wheelchair accessible. Tickets at the door or online at Alarica. $30. 7 -17, $15. Info: 514-381-3485

Eco Back-to-Basics in Dorval June 8

Saturday, 8 – 3 at Dorval-Strathmore United Church, 310 Brookhaven, Dorval, discover alternative products and services that are friendlier to the planet. The event features a garage sale, vendors selling natural soaps, food seasonings, and essential oils. Investigate eco-friendly gardening and small-scale farming ideas. Buy crafts made of recycled materials. Bring a toy and get a toy from the Toy Swap.  BBQ lunch featuring organic meat & vegetarian options. Info: 514-793-9879

Zerf presents Intandem/Ensemble June 8

Music and Dance Saturday at 7:30pm with Judy Jung, piano player; Heather Wilson, soloist; Diana Dandurand, soloist; Solomen Quartet; The Belly Dancers; Greater Montreal Choir; Montreal W. Operatic Singers and music by Paul Odiase and Paul Thomas at Loyola Chapel, 7141 Sherbrooke W. Admission: Non-perishable food for NDG Food Bank and donation for Zerf Water Project in Africa.

Seniors Action Quebec Conference June 13

“Geriatric Healthcare Professionals and Seniors Talking Together About Seniors’ Needs” at the Ramada Plaza Montreal, 6445 Decarie Blvd.Panel discussion with a gerontologist, GP,oncologist and ER doctor. Registration and payment must be received by May 30. Snacks, lunch and handouts. $60. 65+/students$35. To register: ruthkathleenpelletier@gmail.com

Cummings Centre May events

Jewish voices — One Night in Mtl, May 14 Then off to Carnegie Hall! Tues. 7pm, Cummings presents a concert by the Israeli Chamber Project — an ensemble of six musicians who will race musically through the history of Jewish identity at Bourgie Hall, 1339 Sherbrooke W. $32 member/$40 guest.

To register: 514-343-3510

Momedy Comedy at Cummings W. May 16 Through film and TV clips, the history of Jewish comedians is explored 7-9pm at 96 Roger Pilon St. DDO. $20 member/$30 guest. Info: 514-734-1749.

Brain Workout May 21 Processing speed, logical reasoning, and memory skills will be challenged through individual and group activities. Five-part series begins 1:30-3 at 5700 Westbury. $56. To register: 514-343-3510.

Explore Brockville with Cummings May 22

9 – 6:30, take a guided tour of the Historic Fulford Place, lunch on the waterfront, explore downtown, and wander through Canada’s first railway tunnel lit up in interchanging colors. $75 member. $112 guest. Info: 514-734-1748.

Family, genes and cancer May 23

7 – 9pm, at Cummings West, Dr. W. D. Foulkes speaks on cancer genetics and genetic testing at 96 Roger Pilon, DDO. $10/ member/$15 non-member. To register: 514-343-3510

Visit Upper Canada Playhouse June12

9 – 6, Upper Canada Playhouse trip to see Where are you? Box lunch included. $80 member/ $112 guest. Info: 514-734-1748

Atwater Library May events

Wed., May 15: 1 – 3 Michèle Payette, Citizen Service Specialist, Service Canada, provides information on Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement, OAS Allowance for spouses and common-law partners, issues for immigrant seniors, and caregivers.

Thurs, May 16: 12:30 – 1:30 Photographer and author Archie Fineberg shares his passion for Montreal street art with photos from his online gallery andhis book Montreal’s Street Art Gallery: The Best of the City’s Graffiti and Wall-Art.

Tues, May 21: 1 – 3 Alzheimer Café features Francine Cytrynbaum, MSW, special care counselling teacher at Vanier College and Alzheimer Society trainer, on Caregiving as a Team: Family Dynamics and the Caregiver.

Thurs, May 23: 12:30 – 1:30 Artist, writer and gardener Pat Webster gives an illustrated tour of Glen Villa Gardens, her 750-acre property in North Hatley.

Thurs, May 30: 12:30 – 1:30 Cynthia Boyle Russell tells the story of her father, Willard Boyle, who spent his childhood in a remote Quebec logging camp and went on to win a Nobel Prize for Physics. Her book about her father’s childhood will be on sale.

Events are free. Donations welcome. Atwater Library, 1200 Atwater at Ste-Catherine. 514-935-7344

Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom May events

Victor and Sheila Goldbloom Symposium: One Jewish People – Dream or Reality May 16 Thurs. at 7pmCharles Bronfman will speak on the relationship between Israeli and Diaspora Jews. Info: 514-937-3575, #213 or rosie@templemontreal.ca or register on temple’s website. 4100 Sherbrooke W.

Lunch Together May 21 11:30am, Dr. Loren Lerner, Prof. of Art History at Concordia, speaks on Israeli Art and Nationhood. $8 members, $10 friends. Light lunch, 4100 Sherbrooke W

CPR & Heimlich Manoeuvre Course May 28 Tues., 5:30 – 9pm. Levels: Baby/Child/Adult. Given by The CPR Training Centre, this course is geared to parents, grandparents, caregivers, and babysitters. Material included: course plan, quick guide booklet, and certificate. Refreshments. Advance registration necessary: $55 members/$65 friends. rosie@templemontreal.ca. 395 Elm.

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