What’s in the name of a newspaper?

Please click here for stories and remembrances from The Senior Times newsroom as it celebrates its 30th anniversary.

When I decided on the name for this paper I was 35. Now I am 67, going on 35. The word ‘senior’ connoted respect, wisdom, grandparents, unconditional love — for me then.

Now I hate the idea of being designated a senior. I will never be a senior (in my mind and heart). The word now connotes retirement, being old, being past my prime physically and mentally.

And yet, I have never felt more alive. I recently lost 35 pounds on a wonderful way of eating called “keto” or “ketogenic” and have cut out sugar and most carbs. I get compliments every day on how I look and I do believe I look younger than I did ten years ago.  And somehow, the wrinkles don’t bother me anymore. I also have two careers — publisher and Dawson teacher — and have no intention of completely giving up either until the day I feel like it.

Teaching Dawson students keeps me on my toes and increasingly I find myself being more accepting and patient, teaching the students more than the content and learning from them every class.

As a teacher, I delight at changing my plans midway through the class, spontaneously changing direction with an activity that comes to my mind on the spot. I have stopped chastising myself on what I failed to accomplish, or those odd comments I sometimes get on student evaluations such as “All she ever talks about is sex and religion.” Hah!

Talk about spontaneity, this article is pouring out of me without any outline or particular purpose except to ruminate on the word “senior” and why I called this paper, The Senior Times.

Actually, the answer is simple: I wanted a name that sounded prestigious and made people think of bigger and grander papers than mine such as The New York Times or The London Times. Yes, I had big dreams in those days…. and still do!

One of my journalism students at Dawson asked me what made me continue to publish all these years. It’s like being on a train, I responded, and not ever thinking about the destination. The train ride itself is the essence, and besides, it would be hard to jump off en route.

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