Legal Ease: Relatively speaking, be certain you have a clear mandate
A mandate is a contract by which a person, the mandator, gives power to another person, the mandatary, to represent him. This contract is called a power of attorney.
A mandate is a contract by which a person, the mandator, gives power to another person, the mandatary, to represent him. This contract is called a power of attorney.
Until recently, it was a crime in Canada to assist others in ending their lives. Those grievously and irremediably ill and in pain could not seek a physician’s assistance in dying. A person facing this prospect had two options: take his own life prematurely, often by violent or dangerous means, or suffer until death occurred from natural causes.
We live in a democracy, a system by which a society governs itself through its elected representatives. This is how citizens participate, albeit indirectly, in making decisions that affect them and which become law.
As the year nears its end, I am in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions and I have been thinking of a few I would like to share.
It has been scientifically shown that many animals are cognitively and emotionally advanced, self-aware, experience pleasure and pain, and can remember and choose.