Here at Sun Youth: Young heroes wanted for brand new bicycles!

For the 34th consecutive year, Sun Youth will give away bikes to children at its Annual New Bike Giveaway program. They are awarded to boys and girls whose actions have had an impact on their community or have shown extraordinary courage when facing exceptional circumstances.

Do you know of a Montreal child between 3 and 17 who deserves to be rewarded with a new bike, a safety helmet and a bike lock? Send us the name, age, family background, and what the child did that is noteworthy.

Include your name and phone. Send by mail to Sun Youth, Selection Committee for the Bicycle Giveaway, 4251 St. Urbain, Mtl, H2W 1V6; by fax at 514-842-5241; by email at or directly on our website, where the application form can be found at Sun Youth’s website.

Names of candidates must be submitted by March 31. Our bicycle committee will select 90 deserving candidates. Our young heroes will be honored in a ceremony at our headquarters in May.

This ceremony will also celebrate the 93rd birthday of the Bike Man, the anonymous donor who has been supporting this program since its inception. Children honoured last year included Joudi, 13, a Syrian girl who saved the life of her grandparents after a bombing in Syria.

Peter, 11, went to get help for a friend who wanted to commit suicide. Nathan, 10, organized a school book lending library that is now a community project.

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